SambaXP 2008 Conference - Day 1

* **Schlomo Schapiro - The Simple High Available Linux File Server**

  * Real hardware as primary server, "virtual cold stand-by server"

  * Local storage and SAN

  * GPT for Partitions bigger than 2TB

  * Nice implementation of cold stand-by cluser

* **Oliver Tennert - Parallel NFS**

  * HPC: More and more data

  * More nodes, more nodes, more throuput

  * Not a good solution: Cluster NFS

  * Distributed File Systems: IBM's GPFS, SGI's CXFS, PanFS, PVFS2, ...

  * NFSv4 includes everything a network file system needs (NFSv3 does NOT)

  * pNFS optional part of NFS 4.1

  * Separtion of metadata path/server and data path/server

  * SAP (Storage Access Protocoll) not specified, incompatible clients get data from metadata server

  * Current state: "should work", many layouts on the way

* **Steve French: From DFS to Kerberos: Update on Linux CIFS client**

  * Kerberos support on way into the kernel

  * Apple symlinks over CIFS are the 4th way to do it

  * Setting up all stuff needed and/or supported by NFSv4 is a pain in ...

* **Jelmer Vernooij, Andrew Bartlett: Samba 4, where are we now?**

  * Samba 4 Alpha 3 released 2 weeks ago, announcement mail gets eaten...

  * More than TechPreview, basic features completed, useable for SOME environments, needs more testers

  * No more EJS, Python rulZ! ;-) And GNU Make

  * Much work done in LDB subsystem/internal database: Subtree rename, sort of grouo policy, (some) schema validation

  * Autoconfiguration of backend (OpenLDAP)

  * SWAT disabled due to JS->Python, SoC project

  * MMC works and some group policy

  * Beta at end of THIS year! AD DC, file search, AD Member

  * What would stop YOU using Samba 4?

* **Andrew Bartlett: The little shop of horrors: AD's notation of LDAP**

  * AD "based on" LDAP, an IETF standard protocol to access a standard X.509 directory

  * AD's schema is different: AD CN is not LDAP CN (multi values), AD top hast 75 new elements, ...

  * No DNS and NTP in Samba 4 but ideas how it could/should work

* **Volker Lendecke: Samba 3.2 Infrastructure changes**

  * Un-/Marshalling code moved to PIDL

  * One overall cache for nearly everything

  * 3.2 is slower than 3.0 (much more malloc())

  * Solution: remove malloc() calls, use talloc_*() instead

* **Jelmer Vernooij: RPC scripting using Python**

  * Samba 3.0 had already Python bindings

  * Switch now to stop people from coding EJS (may be removed later)

  * More potential developer with Python

  * PIDL generates Python bindings

  * Python/SoC: smbclient, SWAT, Samba-GTK

  * At the moment use "smbpython"

  * python-ldb/python-tdb already in Debian/Ubuntu

  * Jelmer: "Next version of Perl has unicode operators..."

  * Tridge: "I have a purpose in life! Telling people how to resize fonts in xterms!"